by TCG Process Limited

DocProStar transforms your inbound documents and emails into actionable data, directly within SugarCRM. Using machine learning and AI, we automate digital mailroom, email triage, and financial processes like accounts payable and order to cash, saving you time and money.

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DocProStar transforms your inbound documents and emails into actionable data that can be injected directly into Sugar Sell, Sugar Serve, or Sugar Enterprise.

Using machine learning and AI, we automate digital mailroom, email triage, and financial processes like customer on-boarding, invoice processing and order to cash, saving you time and money.

Key Features

  • Automated Processing: Updates and integrates with SugarCRM through trusted algorithms, machine learning, and AI for fast, accurate results.
  • No-Code Design: Features a user-friendly, no-code process designer, modeller, and monitoring tools.
  • Scalable Solution: Adapts to both departmental and enterprise-wide needs.


  • Document and Email Ingestion: Normalizes information for consistency and compliance in harmony with Sugar CRM.
  • Advanced Scanning: Supports browser-based and production-level scanning with OCR/ICR.
  • Data Extraction: Efficiently extracts structured data for indexing, reporting, Sugar CRM, and business application use.
  • Data Verification: Ensures data integrity through sophisticated verification with business applications.
  • No-Code Development: Offers a vast library of pre-built task activities for document-centric process management.
  • Human-in-the-Loop Interface: Intuitive interface for error handling and exceptions.
  • Systems Integration: Connects with business applications and databases through industry-standard APIs.

Business Benefits

  • Cost Reduction: Eliminates time, effort, and costs associated with manual processes.
  • Digital Transformation and Sugar CRM Adoption: Accelerates critical initiatives and processes.
  • Resource Optimization: Frees up employees for higher-value tasks, boosting job satisfaction and retention.
  • Data Automation: Transforms unstructured information into actionable data.
  • Data Quality, Accuracy: Improves the quality and accessibility of critical business information; keeping Sugar the reliable source.
  • Scalability: Enables process scaling without increasing headcount or outsourcing.
  • Productivity Enhancement: Empowers knowledge workers to focus on value-added work.

Example Use Cases

  • Onboarding: Extracts key information automatically for new customers and vendors for import into Sugar platform
  • Financial Services: Client servicing, wealth management with Sugar Sell & Serve.
  • Finance & Accounting: Getting the big-picture by automating the processing of supplier invoices, purchase orders, sales orders.
  • Supply Chain & Logistics: process waybills, schedules, delivery notes, to yield critical information for your customer facing teams.
  • Compliance: Regulatory statements, certificates; supporting Sugar Serve.
  • Insurance: Requests for mid-term adjustments, claims communications, leveraging more automation for Sugar Serve, Sugar Sell.
  • Government: Streamline Citizen support and other regulatory processes such as GDPR, CCPA, etc.

Other Add-Ons of interest