by techloyce

SugarHubSpot gives you the ability to sync Sugar Leads and HubSpot contacts in either direction. Includes advanced mapping criteria to sync the records just the way you need to.

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Whether you need to sync from Sugar to Hubspot, Hubspot to Sugar, or fully enable two way syncing it is supported with SugarHubSpot. Includes advanced mapping options and more.

Hub Spot Mapping

Configure your integration to map data the way you need it.

HubSpot Mapping with SugarCRM

Hub Spot Syncing

Choose exactly how you want the sync to work.

HubSpot Syncing with SugarCRM

User Guide

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Pre Requisites

  • a Hub Spot Account
  • SugarCRM Version 7.9 or higher


  • Syncing of data between sugar Leads and Hubspot Contacts
  • Allow user to define his own mapping criteria between fields
  • Save Mapped Information
  • Syncing of data from Sugar to HubSpot
  • Syncing of data from HubSpot to Sugar
  • Two way Syncing (both have identical data)

Version Support

  • Sugar 7 On Premise
  • Sugar 7 On Demand

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* Free 30 day trial