by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sugar and SuiteCRM. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#1152 - Target List from Sugar not pulling across to Mailchimp

Closed General Question created by mailchimp 9 years ago


I have created 2 reports in Sugar and have completed the target lists but the lists are not being pulled from Sugar to Mailchimp. Can you please take a look at this for me urgently? I need to ramp up my marketing tasks and cannot do this at present - thanks.


  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    9 years ago

    Hi Jo, this should be something simple.

    A few questions:

    1) Now that some time has passed, do you still not see your contacts in MailChimp? It could take 5-10 minutes before you start to see the subscribers show up in MailChimp.

    2) After you created your reports, did you go to your Sugar Target Lists and add your Contacts/Targets/Leads from the reports?

    3) If you look at the same Sugar Target Lists, is the "MailChimp List" field set to the correct MailChimp list? If not, edit the Target List and select the MailChimp List you want to send the list to. If the List doesn't exist, you will need to create it on the MailChimp side first.

    4) If you go to Admin > SugarChimp Health Status, does everything have green checkboxes at the top? If not, which ones are not green? Also towards the bottom are there any pending records to be synced? Or are they all showing zero?


    • mailchimp member avatar


      9 years ago

      Hi, to answer your questions: 1 - many hours have passed and nothing is showing 2 - Yes - Target Lists have been updated and I have checked the parameters to make sure they are correct also 3 - Mailchimp Lists are correct also 4 - All the boxes are green - although under that 'Pending to Mailchimp' its saying 1 list - 564

      I had this issue a few weeks back and Maria @ Rolustech did something and they suddenly appeared in Mailchimp!
      I created a new list for someone else here to send out a mailer and the same issue has occurred...... I have just checked my target list and the leads tab and they have all disappeared so I am updating the list again - why would they suddenly disappear? Its all a bit odd....


  2. mailchimp member avatar


    9 years ago

    I am just observing the updating of the target list (leads) and its stuck on 'Loading'.

  3. mailchimp member avatar


    9 years ago

    Its still stuck on 'Loading'.

  4. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    9 years ago

    It sounds like there may be some other issues going on. You may want to bring Rolustech into this.

    Adding Leads to a Target List is standard Sugar functionality. Something else is probably going on preventing this from working. Sugar sometimes has issues adding large amounts of Leads to a Target List from a Report.

    If it hasn't errored out yet, you may want to let it finish. If it does error or if it never ends up working, one thing you might try is edit the Target List and set the MailChimp List field to blank and save. Then try to import your Leads from the Report into the Target List (it may run faster this way). Then edit the Target List again and set the MailChimp List to the list you want to sync it to.

    To the removal comment, SugarChimp will not remove anyone from your Sugar Target Lists unless you're removing people from the MailChimp side.

  5. rolustech-primary-contact member avatar


    9 years ago


    I have tested all the setting , configuration and pre-req of sync. Everything looks fine. Leads are being added to sugar Target list. Proper mailchimp list is selected and health status is good. But Sync is stopped.

    Even Scheduler is running after each interval and no error is being logged in Sugar Log.

    Please advise why this sync is not working? Also confirm the expiry of this month license date?

    Thanks, Rolustech Support

  6. mailchimp member avatar


    9 years ago

    Hello again - I have been in contact with Maria at Rolustech and after a morning of testing, checking etc, she is now contacting you as she is of the opinion its a SugarChimp issue.......I am in the middle of this and feel like a tennis ball so if you dont mind, I will leave you to battle this all out and wait for someone to tell me its working!!! No offence.........

  7. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    9 years ago

    Hi Jo and Maria, I just sent an email to each of you from my SugarChimp account with more details. Let's communicate via email for now. Thanks!

  8. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    9 years ago

    Just to follow up here, their instance was upgraded to Sugar 7.5. When this happens a SugarChimp re-install is needed along with a re-sync of your lists. Closing this case for now. Thanks!

  9. cbhajan member avatar


    5 years ago

    Hello, I am also having a similar problem. I went into the list portion of Mailchimp, mapped out the fields I wanted to have populated, went into the SugarChimp portion of Sugar and mapped those fields. After everything was mapped accordingly I synced from Sugar to Mailchimp. It has been hours and I still do not see any of the fields populated. I have emailed Heidi and Jon from Sugar Chimp and have not received a response. Can someone help with this issue?

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