by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sugar and SuiteCRM. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#3593 - Problem with SugarChimp to MailChimp Sync

Closed Bug? created by rickwilliams 6 years ago

I uploaded a list to Mail Chimp that was cleaned of all “bad email” addresses and set up a campaign that went out this morning. I also purchased your Sugar Chimp Pro product so fields between Mail Chimp and Sugar CRM could be auto updated. Apparently, when the sync between Sugar and Mail Chimp occurred, it imported some of those “undesirable” email addresses into MailChimp and they were sent the campaign. The number of bounces from this happening forced MailChimp to suspend my campaign and also increased our price point by adding contacts to MailChimp. How do I keep this from happening so I don’t get canceled by MailChimp?????

  1. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Rick,

    I'm sorry for the trouble here, but we can get you fixed up and make sure this doesn't happen again. SugarChimp would only add people to MailChimp automatically if you choose the option to "Sync All" records automatically to MailChimp. When setting up the sync, you will want to leave the option as "Do Not Sync Automatically" for Step 3. This is the default configuration, and will keep SugarChimp from adding all of your SugarCRM records to the lists.

    Can you confirm that the "Sync All" option was checked on the list syncing page? You can find it by going to admin > SugarChimp Configuration > Step 4, choose the Target List. Continue to Step 3, and see what option is checked there.

    Let me know what you find.

    Thanks! Jon

    • rickwilliams member avatar


      6 years ago

      Yes, the "Sync All" option was check. I selected the default "Do Not Sync Automatically" and will see what happens.

  2. rickwilliams member avatar


    6 years ago

    How can I prove that this sync is working correctly before restarting my campaigns in MailChimp?

  3. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Rick,

    To ensure this is working the way you need, you could start from scratch with a new Target List/MailChimp List. I think this would be the best option to give you a peace of mind that the integration is working the way you expect it to.

    Follow these steps to start from scratch: 1. In Sugar, go to the synced Target List record. Edit the MailChimp List option, setting it to blank. Save it. 2. Delete the Target List 3. Delete the MailChimp List 4. Create your new MailChimp List 5. Create your new Target List 6. Either add the appropriate records to the Target List in Sugar or directly to the MailChimp List. Either option is ok. 7. Go to SugarChimp Configuration > Step 4. 8. Follow the same options you did previously to setup the sync, except leave Step 3 at the default option, not the 'Sync All' option.

    Give this a half hour or so to sync any records added to the Sugar Target List to MailChimp. If you added them directly to MailChimp, then no update time is needed. You should see the correct records across this time around. We are working to re-word the syncing options to better reflect how each option works. We should have a package out soon with better wording on this section.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thanks, Jon

  4. fanatical_jon member avatar

    Jon S Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Rick,

    I wanted to follow up here and see if everything is working the way you expect it to? Is there anything I can help you out with in regards to the integration with MailChimp?

    Thanks, Jon

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