by Fanatical Labs

Save Your Team Countless Hours. SugarChimp syncs your lists in both directions so you can work in your preferred app. Segment and group your Mailchimp subscribers based on Sugar data so you can market to the right people at the right time. Compatible with all versions and editions of Sugar and SuiteCRM. Created by Fanatical Labs, 2023 SugarCRM Partner Award Winner.

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#602 - sync from mailchimp to sugarcrm (6.5.x pro)

Closed General Question created by stephane 10 years ago


i'm not able to sync from mailchimp to sugarcrm target list in a certain condition.

our client wants to sync contacts in mailchimp from sugarcrm only if the contact already exist in the CRM.

contacts doesn't exist in the CRM will be sync well from mailchimp to CRM.

field in target list : "Create new MailChimp subscribers as." is set to "Suspects". Its working if i change to "Contacts" but i don't want mailchimp create a new contact in Sugar.

to resume it is possible to do ? :

contact exist in mailchimp and crm => sync target list. contact exist in mailchimp and does not exist in crm => do nothing.

thank you in advance

  1. fanaticallabs member avatar

    Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

    10 years ago

    Hi Stephane, what you're wanting to do is possible.

    If you initiate the sync from your Sugar Target List to your MailChimp List, only the people in Sugar that are on the Target List will be sent to MailChimp. Those that are already in the MailChimp list will NOT be sent to Sugar unless someone creates or updates a subscriber from the MailChimp side.

    This is an uncommon use case, but the current version of SugarChimp should be able to handle it just fine. Can you tell me more about why the customer wants the integration to act this way?


    • stephane member avatar


      10 years ago


      in mailchimp we have a large list of contacts but a certain % existing in Sugar. the goal is to sync only target list in sugar when contacts existing both side.

      its for sending campaigns to existing contacts only;

      what happened if i change the field (sugarcr) in target list : "Create new MailChimp subscribers as : "blank" the goal is to not create any entry in the CRM if contacts doesn't exist both side.

      thank you in advance

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Even if you leave the "Create new MailChimp subscriber as" option blank it will default to Targets.

      I see a couple options being possible:

      1) You could create a custom field in Sugar on the Contacts module called 'from_sugar' and default the value to 'yes' then update all the current contacts in sugar to make sure their 'from_sugar' field equals 'yes'. Since it's the default, going forward new contacts will be set 'from_sugar' equal to 'yes'. You would also create this custom field on your MailChimp list and default it to 'no', so everyone in your MailChimp list will default to 'no'. Before syncing from Sugar to MailChimp, you can use the Field Mapping tool (Admin > Field Mapping) and map the MailChimp and Sugar 'from_sugar' field. When you sync your Sugar target list of contacts to MailChimp, those that come from Sugar will have their MailChimp 'from_sugar' field changed to 'yes'. Then when you send a campaign in MailChimp, you can segment your list on the 'from_sugar' field and only send your campaign to those contacts.

      2) The other option would be to maintain two lists in MailChimp. One that has your current list of everyone in MailChimp and another that starts as a new empty list and you only sync the Contacts from Sugar to it.

      Would one of these options work?

    • stephane member avatar


      10 years ago


      Thank you for your options i will test them and will give you an update .

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      Sure thing. Let me know how it goes!

    • stephane member avatar


      10 years ago

      Hi, option 1 is good for syncing from sugarcrm to mailchimp.

      to syncing mailchimp to sugar it will works too ?

      thay wanted to manage target list in mailchimp most of time.

      contacts will be added or remove in mailchimp target list and during sync, contacts added from mailchimp should be added in the sugarcrm target list if contacts exists too in sugar.

      if remove contacts from mailchimp list, contacts in CRM should have the checkbox field (Opted Out)‎ "checked" .

      thank you in advance.

    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      That's correct, it will work the same way from MailChimp to Sugar.

      And the way you describe it is exactly how it works. Contacts added/removed or removed in MailChimp will be added to the Target List in Sugar. If you remove/unsubscribe someone from a list in MailChimp, the email address is marked "opted out" in Sugar.

  2. stephane member avatar


    10 years ago

    Hi,Thank you for the answers,

    its very helpfull.


    • fanaticallabs member avatar

      Fanatical Labs Provider Affiliate

      10 years ago

      You're quite welcome. I'm going to go ahead and close this case for now.

      Simply leave another comment or create a new case if you need anything else.


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