Create documents in docx, xlsx (MS Office Word and Excel), odt, ods (LibreOffice and OpenOffice) and pdf format without MS Office or others plugins installed from any module and subpanel using templates.
You have two examples in custom/modules/Opportunities/DHA_DocumentTemplatesCalculatedFields.php (using calculated fields):
- function OrderRows (event) - Order main module rows example
- function BeforeMergeBlock (event) - Order rows example for submodule data
This Add-On doesn't support the latest Sugar version!
"The single biggest downfall of the community edition of SugarCRM or SuiteCRM is the lack of creating a report form a custom module for a single event...."
- ian
11 years ago
You have two examples in custom/modules/Opportunities/DHA_DocumentTemplatesCalculatedFields.php (using calculated fields): - function OrderRows (event) - Order main module rows example - function BeforeMergeBlock (event) - Order rows example for submodule data
11 years ago
Thanks! I will try it