by eggsurplus

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#2554 - In SuiteCRM Dashlet Search fields appear records without regard to Security Group

Closed Bug? created by Lion Solution Verified Purchase 7 years ago

Hi, on a SuiteCRM istance 7.6.3 In Dashlet Search "relate to" fields appear records without regard to Security Group. Do you know how to fix it?

  1. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    This was fixed right around that release. What zip file for SecuritySuite do you have installed?

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Along with the zip name, if you can attach a screenshot of something that isn't working as you expect it to or email me one that would be helpful. Thanks!

  2. MayerElyashiv member avatar

    Lion Solution Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    Hi Jason, I haven't upload a SecuritySuite zip file, SecuritySuite is already integrated with SuiteCRM...

    In SuiteCRM 7.6.5 it happens the same.

    Propertary Role assigned to the Security Group S1 The User U1 is in S1. U1 in List View is able to see just one Contact (assigned to him) In the Calls Dashlet filters fields section he's able to see all Contacts,...

  3. MayerElyashiv member avatar

    Lion Solution Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    Screen Shot 10-06-16 at 01.30 PM.PNG

  4. MayerElyashiv member avatar

    Lion Solution Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    The same in SuiteCRM 7.6.6 Sugar Version 6.5.23 (Build 1061).

    Have i to upload via module manager the trying to fix it?

  5. MayerElyashiv member avatar

    Lion Solution Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    Screen Shot 10-06-16 at 02.30 PM.PNG

  6. eggsurplus member avatar

    eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    I thought the issue was with the relate fields on the list in the dashlet? Where they show as links instead of plain text if they shouldn't have rights. If that really is the issue then you can try installing the Limited version if you are using the base SuiteCRM version. That was fixed in the full version here.

  7. MayerElyashiv member avatar

    Lion Solution Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    Hi Jason, i upgraded to SuiteCRM 7.6.7 and i uploaded did a Quick Repair, cleared the cache, but in Dashlet filter fields, a normal user can still see every records,...

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Records show in the Dashlet that shouldn't? Is that dashlet customized? Perhaps it is something to do with the Contact filter as that isn't a default filter. Working backwards by dumping the generated SQL may grant more clues.

      Filtering records appropriately in Dashlets is a standard functionality for SecuritySuite. If that isn't working then something is up.

    • MayerElyashiv member avatar

      Lion Solution Verified Purchase

      7 years ago

      In Dashlets the User can see just his group records. It's when he edits the Dashlet that in Dashlet filters, he could see anything.

      I attached here the Dashlet edit view so that you can see the "assigned to" filter fields: MyCalls.png I already marked "Filter User List" in SecuritySuite settings.

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      That makes sense now. What were you expecting to show instead? How would SecuritySuite be expected to know what to show on the filters other than what is defined to be shown?

    • MayerElyashiv member avatar

      Lion Solution Verified Purchase

      7 years ago

      I'd like that the "Assigned to" field in Dashlet Filters shows just users in the user's same group (as in Calendar > Shared > User List)

    • eggsurplus member avatar

      eggsurplus Provider Affiliate

      7 years ago

      Got it. This isn't part of the free edition. There are 2 functions in include/utils.php that you will need to look at. You have a copy of the full edition of SecuritySuite already. I advise comparing the two versions and seeing the custom code that SecuritySuite adds to add that functionality. That will get you to where you want to be.

  8. MayerElyashiv member avatar

    Lion Solution Verified Purchase

    7 years ago

    Ok, thank you very much

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