by Sugar-project

SugarPrint enables printing to PDF / XLS export of any: List view, Detail view and Calendar view in SuiteCRM and SugarCRM Community Edition. SugarPrint makes exporting basic or advanced Search Results to PDF or Excel a one-click process.

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#3259 - Columns not in order when generating reports

Open Bug? created by omolist Verified Purchase 7 years ago

Hello, I'm using SugarPrint on SuiteCRM, but when I generate a Report and try to export it to Excel, the columns are not in the correct order. For exmaple, the column 'Type' has values of 'Addresses' instead the correct values of Type. How can I solve it? Thanks in advance.

  1. marcomm member avatar

    Sugar-project Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hi, I'm Alberto from Sugar-project. Can we have a Skype call where you can show me the issues? I just wrote you an email ( with my contact details. Best regards, Alberto

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